Tuesday 18 December 2012

Asperger’s Does Not Explain Connecticut Shooting

STATEMENT FROM BOB & SUZANNE WRIGHT (shared from Facebook page of Autism Speaks)

"People want immediate or simple answers when an unimaginable tragedy like this occurs. Autism did not cause this horror. The profound tragedy of these senseless murders will only be compounded if it results in unwarranted discrimination against people with autism."

These are some articles that you guys can read for further info regarding the mass shooting in Newtown and how does some irresponsible critics relate Autism/Aspergers with the tragedy.






click here to obtain the full article.

Our hearts go out to the families and town of Newtown, Connecticut  for this heartbreaking event. Some medias are reporting that the shooter might have had an autism spectrum disorder. Some have also inaccurately reported that there is a linkage between autism and planned violence. People with disabilities or disorders  should not be blamed in the midst of these types of tragedies. Therefore please keep the families of Newtown in your prayers.

Friday 14 December 2012

Aspergers Syndrome (Physiological Psychology Presentation)

Hello there! It's been a week since our presentation at IIUM Psychology Week 2012. Just wanted to stop by and let you guys watch our short video presentation on Aspergers Syndrome.

We decided to include some short clips from The Big Bang Theory sitcom starring Dr. Sheldon Cooper. Remember, he is not diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome but the traits are obviously there. You can read further on our previous post regarding Sheldon.

Below are the pamphlet that we gave to the audience during our presentation.

Have a blessed weekend everyone!

Sunday 2 December 2012

Group drops Asperger's label:Revision retains dyslexia, others.

 You can access the article by clicking here

Nicole Mc Farling had this to say regarding this matter: 
"Those that work in the field of autism have known this for two years that this change was coming. Asperger syndrome was added to the DSM-IV in 1994 officially so you bare off on your dates by a few years. Many professional in the field are upset over this because it will prevent many who have a higherfunctioning autism or asperger's will lose services they need.How many 1000's of individuals dignosed with Asperger's will now not be and wont meet criterion for autism.
Where was the AP when the debates were happening last year? When renown professionals in the field, psychiatrists, MD's, etc pushed to stop it. It's only going to eliminate the category in order to lower the rate of diagnosed individuals. Questions were raised on the validity of the field traials conducted during the last 1.5 years.
Dr. C. Lord chair of the task fo

rce stated (trials showed)10% less would meet criteria, but contradicted herself saying it wouldn't affect anyone.
Dr. Francis, Duke University School of Medicine and chair of the DSM-IV revisions that included Aspereger's is against these changes and has stated that it is radical change to the definition of Autism and will dramatically reduce the number the number of people who will qualify under the new criteria.
This is a socio-political move and it is wrong to all the individuals who need assistance due to impact of the symptomology of aspergers or autism.
1 in 88 (CDC, 2012) is now the prevalence; change from 1 in 110 in 2009. This is a travesty and is going to severly impact those individuals who are higher functioning cognitively. Most will not be able to gain employment and have any independence in adulthood, without the assistance they need to gain the skills they need, even though many have an average or above average IQ. The IQ however isn't the diagnosos, but socialization, communication and behavaioral challenges is the disability.
This is a travesty for many families that struggle daily with this with a loved one. It is a LIFELONG disorder and there is no cure, only interventions to help them develop in the triad (social, communivation and behavior)areas.

Yet another population of individuas with disabilities that will hugely discriminated against, because without help, they won't meet society's idea of someone who is socially competent. Society should be pissed about this and be up in arms advocating that this not happen. But, unless you have a kid or adult in your family with an autism spectrum disorder, most people will ignore this just like evrything else in society that's ignored because it doessn't directly impact them.

Nicole McFarling, M.A. Sp.Ed.